CSI Life Medicare Insurance
Based out of Omaha, Nebraska, CSI Life’s commitment to wellness extends far beyond marketing efforts. Seeing the mutually beneficial opportunity to promoting wellness; Chairman Emeritus, William McBain Kizer by starting the Wellness Council of Omaha, which eventually grew into the Wellness Council of America.
CSI Medicare Insurance offers competive pricing for plans that help lower medical expenses for Medicare beneficiaries.
CSI Life Medicare Supplement
They offer Medicare Supplemental plans in Colorado for those individuals that typically are age 65 or older. CSI’s plan helps fill in the cost gaps under Original Medicare.
Many costs related to hospital stays, skilled nursing care and doctor services are covered by CSI Life’s various Medicare health plans. These expenses covered may include deductibles, copayments and cosinsurance.
Several Medicare Supplement plans are offered by CSI Life in Colorado including*:
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