Yellow Road Sign "Enroll"

Medicare Part A and Part B Enrollment

Medicare Enrollment Period Part A and Part B Enrollment Periods Original Medicare Automatic Enrollment Let’s start with one question. Will you be receiving Social Security Administration (SSA) retirement benefits when you turn 65? If the answer is Yes, …


Medicare Enrollment Form Paper - Colorado

Original Medicare Parts A and B Enrollment Periods

Original Medicare Enrollment Periods Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) – Your seven month period that begins 3 months BEFORE your birthday month and ends 3 months AFTER your birthday month. General Enrollment Period (GEP) – January 1st through March 31st …


Grandpa with Granddaughter - Medicare Advantage Enrollment

Medicare Advantage Enrollment – Part C

Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) is the most commonly used enrollment period for Medicare Advantage plans. Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage) plans can be purchased during the Initial Enrollment Period, which is the three months before you turn 65, the month you turn 65, and the three months after you turn 65 (seven months total)


Part D Enrollment Period - Colorado

Medicare Part D Enrollment

There are two separate enrollment periods for Medicare Part D, commonly known as the initial enrollment period and the annual enrollment period. The IEP for a Medicare Part D plan is the same as that of the Part B plan, which is basically a seven-month …


Medicare Supplement Enrollment Sign in Forest

Medicare Supplement Enrollment

A Medicare Supplement can be obtained during the Medigap six-month open enrollment period. This open enrollment period begins the month you turn 65 and enrolled in Medicare Part B.


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