What Type of Home Health Services are Covered?
by Original Medicare
- Physical Therapy
- Occupational Services
- Speech Language Pathology
- Periodic Skilled Nursing Services
Home Health Services Eligibility
In order to qualify for covered services under Original Medicare (Part A and Part B), an individual must have a plan of care created by doctor.
The doctor must review the plan frequently and certify that you need intermittent skilled nursing care, physical therapy, speech language or occupational therapy. This type of supervised care must be considered reasonable and effective.

Based on Medicare.gov eligibility requirements, an individual must fit these requirements:
1. Skilled therapy is required for safe and effective maintenance of your condition.
2. Your condition over time must be expected to improve over a somewhat predictable and reasonable period of time.
Home Health services are not available for those individuals that need more than intermittent (part-time) skilled nursing.
As a Home health care recipient, you may attend adult day care and leave for short non-medical reasons (ie. Social or religious services).
Home Health Services may include:
- Part time home health aide care
- Medical home supplies
- Durable medical equipment
- Injectable osteoporosis drugs
Home Health Care Costs under Original Medicare (Part A and Part B)
• $0 for Home Health Services
• 20% Coinsurance for the Medicare approved Cost of Durable Medical Equipment (DME)
Home health care agencies and services should tell you how much Medicare will pay and the costs your responsible for..